
Sunday, 11 May 2014

Weekend Round Up #18

Wow, the numbers are getting up there...basically means that I have done this regularly for 18 weeks. This also tells me that this year is going incredibly fast and I'm not sure how I feel about that at present. Ask me again in a few months.

Anyway, I saw this trailer this week and I'm very intrigued...

It's following along the trend of all the popular Dystopian themed texts at the moment...though the setting has me very intrigued. Plus, the cast line up looks pretty fancy: Chris Evans, John Hurt and the ever amazing Tilda Swinton.
Edit: Apparently this was released last year...I am sad that I didn't see it...

Then there is this funny piece of lip syncing...

I really enjoy these little skits Jimmy Fallon does plus - Emma Stone is kind of my idol.

Now this isn't really a new site but I love going there and seeing what this artist has done next. Gavin Aung Than aka ZenPencils takes inspirational quotes form inspirational folks and makes them into great pieces of graphic novel type art.

Check out this amazing piece and then go to his site and check out the rest.

Now, those of you who know me IRL know that I love me some dinosaurs...and then I found this when I was perusing Think Geek.

Dinosaur skulls in a tube...ahem...toob. ThinkGeek are awesome...when is payday...


I want this so badly to happen. I remember the first time I watched Akira. It was amazing and this fan made trailer is almost Hollywood overkill...more focus on the story than anything else. In fact, I might go and watch it again...

Actually - I need to get back to marking...

Hope you have had an amazing weekend all.

Peace and pancakes,


  1. I can't believe I'd never heard of Snowpiercer. That looks pretty cool. Also, I've never been a huge fan of Jimmy Fallon, but the games that he has for his guests are actually quite entertaining, and the lip syncing one is probably my favorite.

    1. I managed to watch Snowpiercer and it was actually rather good. Confusing in a couple of places but a solid film all up.
